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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Please, no more

You guys just had to push it ,didn’t you. I tried ignoring you, tried running from you,hell, even tried punching you, but nooo, you guys just had to come and tell me how many orgasms you had last night watching the ‘finely made’ slumdog millionare. I am sick of this movie. First there was the movie,then the reviews,then annoying posters everywhere, then Anil kapoor in the lime light everywhere and now this- the Oscars.

You know what guys, the movie sucked.
Not because some foreigner showed us what we are(though he didn’t) nor that they sold away India’s poverty like many of you sheeps are bitching about, I don’t care. As a movie viewer it just didn’t make it for me. And whenever I say I didn’t like the movie many of you zombies come and ask me you didn’t like the movie!!!??” Yes you assholes, I didn’t like it, why?? , because the movie had nothing but incoherent shit and exaggerations . The movie showed a fantasy world in a so called “real world”. Wow!! A kid jumping into a pool of shit, that’s so raw and real slum India, isn’t it you assholes??

You know what I think, I think all you assholes out there like watching people do disgusting stuff, living on scraps and somewhere in your malformed brain its hardwired to tell you that all these things are real or ‘tragically beautiful’ and this is what poor kids are into nowadays.idiots.

And what has irritated me more than the movie itself are the people who have either been milkin off this movie or people who have been criticizing it cos they think its slum porn. That’s right all you slum dwellers, all the rich folks in mansions and with trophy wives have got your back!!!
You don’t need to worry, they absolutely know what’s best for you, they feel for you,they really do and they will be damned if anyone with a camera tries to showcase you without their ethical consent.

If this movie was a cow then it would be dead by now, cos Anil kapoor has literally milked it dry. He hasn’t left a single opportunity to show his annoying face at every promotional interviews. What a pointless role he had, anyone could do it, even Celina jaitley could do it just as good/bad(use discretion). The only movie of his I have ever liked is “mr India” but mostly because he was invisible in it.

The other thing which has come to my attention is that the UPA has taken credit for the success of this movie(including the Oscars). Great going you assholes, the government has actually subtly celebrated the fact that it is because of them that these slums are there and hence the credit should go to them as well. Another feather in the cap,eh?

I think our problem lies in the fact that we try to celebrate any damn thing thrown our way, even when Obama won, every little shit bag out there just couldn’t stop foaming at their mouths thinking that their messiah had finally come to set them free. Little did they know that Obama’s policies won’t be that good for India considering he has already taken a stance against job outsourcing and has even planned to stop giving visa for 10 yrs period( called H1 visa I think). Celebrate now u dolts. Still foaming?? Screw it, probably would bitch about this later as and when I have a bad day(or not) but until then, fuck off.

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