Ok here's the deal,you can get yourself well educated here, if you happen to agree with me. If you have an opinion contrary to mine ,you can get bent and if you agree with me....oh what the hell,you can still get bent.
You can also look at badass pics I draw on paint like the one above. Don't dick around on this page if you are looking for something different,really.

Monday, April 7, 2008

MTV ROADIES-the union of the dumbasses

i know mny of u worthles ppl out der wud frown on dis cos u think its d greatest show ever(thou d intrvws r gud).wel heres y i thnk it sucks.

u hv dis lean mean bald guy sittin infrnt of u across d room(dunno his name,i thnk its raghu) who luks wid d same damn expression at evry1 which says"i am better dan u bitch",n den u hv dese enormous dumbasses who keep walkin in thru dat door just so dat our bald friend here can unleash a frsh can of pure
whoop-ass evry single time n den hv a hearty laf about hw fucked up d kid ws.thou i dunno y d bald guy alwys hs a sidekick who suddenly thnks dat even hes as tuf as d bald guy n strts spewin sum shit questions of his own 2 d morons who walk in.
aftr dis very sophisticated state of d art drilling process dey do shrt list d final dumbasses who r 2 be aired.al dese dicks hv a winning smile on dere faces which enables dem 2 thnk dat dey hv finally developed a true personality n dat dey must be d coolest ppl on earth n at the same time try 2 hide al dis enthusiasm wid a false modesty.wat dey dnt realise is d fact dat dey try 2 choose d types who go nuts over nuthn fr dis show,obvsly nobody wud lik 2 c a bunch of calm intellectuals ridin dere bikes d whole time n doin shity tasks.
so here dey go d ppl wid "diverse pesonalities" on a funky road trip.unfortunately d diversity jus boils down 2 dese few character traits which i give u one by one

1.the regular bitch- dis is d most common character on dis show.dese maggots generaly dun hv a spine n alwys swing towrds d way d wind blows,dere loyalty is up for sale 24/7 jus fr peanuts n can adjust to any situation.dese dun get eliminated so soon.

2.the super bitch- dis one is an upgraded version of d above mentioned,she has fangs n retractable claws which she uses every nw n den wen she needs 2 mark her kill or a prey.she posses d awsum quality 2 hv a poker face d whole time only 2 reveal at d end dat shes d ultimate whore d team has been lukin for.if she plys her bitchy cards rite den she manages 2 stay til d end odrwise dese skanks donot make it dat far.

3.the emotionaly crippled minihunk-deres always dis one guy who knws just d rite buttons 2 press for most of d woman in d grup,n being d bitches dey r dey also fancy him,so wat does he do next?
he turns up his charm n gives dem d glimpse of his warm heart.he generaly very easily manages 2 get d frst type i hv mentioned.so dis guy aftr his regular visit frm d gynacologist teams up wid d odr guys n comes up wid a gay plan of his own.gnrlly dis guys mask is lifted aftr a few eliminations.

nw dat i hv classified dis anal retentive jackasses lets luk in2 wat extreme tasks dey do.dese tasks may include pointless activities like tryin 2 score a goal wid his arm tied n blindfolded but only 2 realise moments ltr dat d prsn u hit d ball wid whos standin infrnt of u gets eliminated,dis sort of stuf is d twist or masala as u may cal it in dere tasks.
den aftr dat al d precious immunity shit happens.basically dis cock fight goes on until thr remains d biggest cock of al who takes it al.dis program is so shitty dat i cant even stress dis fact stongly enuf so i am jus gonna stop scribblin stuf n let u thnk bout it(i am tired).


SO it hs finally happened,i have started writing blogs,ya i know what a waste of time and energy(wat a corny way 2 start off d blog).but the intention of my blogs is not to write all shady n cheesy stuff about how beautiful nature is or how precious my friends are or how i hope everyone cud hold hands and sing gay songs until the world accepts peace,but its about PURE BITCHING about things dat piss me off on a daily basis.Y?may be because i am to much of a panzie to say it out in d open(thou sayn it here is d same thing,but who cares) or maybe because i can do so.
so most of the things u come across in my section wud be the things dat set my bullshit alarm flying.this doesnt mean i hate evrythn but it jus means dat i shud give equal credit 2 thngs i hate by sheer bitching.so here i go....