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Sunday, September 28, 2008


Tv sitcoms- there are just too many of these train wrecks being aired nowadays. Thank god atleast the barf fest of F.R.I.E.N.D.S stopped. I can still recollect those college days when girls and boys(potential girls) used to get together just so that they could discuss about the “friends” episode they saw last night and used to talk about each character. Man ,I used to hate them.

Worse was when girls picked up styles from these sitcoms,all of them walked around like drones of latest “what’s hot and what’s not” culture . All of them were just one beauty magazine away from being complete air headed bitches. You couldn’t have a conversation with them without throwing a fit,trust me.

Music-I can’t even begin to describe how fucked up the scene is. Everyone nowadays goes for that shit peppy music or totally dark music,nobody listens to good stuff like clapton and knopler anymore. All they want to hear is some blonde girl with straightened hair talking about how she is a trapped soul in a beautiful body BooHooo.......YUCK, just makes me sick. These people just make me sick,which brings me to my next point…..

People-yes,there are just too many dumbasses prattling around nowadays,there are just too many of us everywhere trying to manipulate and playing mind games to control our little lives about which nobody gives two shits except for our selfish selves. Competition this and success that,I am tired of this shit. Biologists shouldn’t find ways to increase human life span rather should find ways to decrease it, lets just say to a maximum of 25 years. No more competition,no more worries about success. Because lets face it , we all are big leeches anyways ,moochin off and milking all the resources for what its worth till we have no more, and no, I am not an environmentalist ,really, cos there is nothing sweeter than the sound of a chain saw screeching through wood(or george bush).

The “youth”- why is it that whenever I hear this word all that comes to my mind is body piercings,tattoos,hip jeans,awful ringtones and slick hair. Really people, what’s wrong with youngsters nowadays. I see their loud obnoxious dumbasses at every coffee joint. The other day too one guy ordered a black coffee(cos that’s what teenagers drink everyday) as he claimed that he liked the taste but couldn’t handle the taste because he was a pussy and added atleast 4 sachets of sugar so that he could have a fruit punch. I mean really guys, who are they trying to impress, what’s the point if you really don’t want to do something and still do it anyways to look all sophisticated. And their heads are all gassed up too with that cliché that ‘youth is our future’. Hell no, responsible people are , not any random teenager who spends hours together on the cell phone. Seriously guys, the voting age should be lifted to 22,oh wait……nah forget about it.

Tom cruise
-just choke already , I hate you(besides hating your acting).

Neutrela/soya chunks-what the hell are these things anyways,feels like rubber and no taste,yuck. It’s not even food,they just sit there floating around in whatever you put them. makes me sick.

Karma – the next person who talks about karma ,yoga or inner peace gets punched in the face by me. All they do is sit around and listen to mystic music in weird god awful poses to attain “inner satisfaction”. I mean come on,get a real job you assholes.

Politically correct-I have had enough of such words and such people. Do they mean something different than usual when they say those words? I swear,if I hear one more person saying ‘african american’ or ‘speech impaired’ or any shit like that I am going to bust open their chops. Really ,don’t try me.

Beg to differ?? Let me know, oh wait even better , get bent.

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Govind Chavan said...

It seems banal to talk about things wrong with the world. Be optimistic; Tom Cruise will die, Friends is already over, IM is blowing stuff up to put an end to this sham of a government. Yeah, I see a better tomorrow.

Aditya Sengupta said...

nobody listens to good stuff like clapton and knopler anymore.

Don't you mean Knopfler?

the next person who talks about karma ,yoga or inner peace gets punched in the face by me.

Did you guys ever have Mangalvhedhekar? Pray tell me if you did- how on earth does one deal with him?


Well if you cant do anything about it when he is around,then just punch yourself in the face,atleast it will be less painful
and btw knopfler is also spelled as knopler sometimes , look it up

Govind Chavan said...

jaano jaano jaano
khudko pehchaano