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Thursday, July 17, 2008


You know how sometimes directors make their movies all spooky, then go ahead and make it even spookier, then again go ahead and try to make it even weirder but finally end up looking stupid. Well,this was certainly one of those movies. This was by far the undisputed mother of all dumbass movies, no other movie came even close to this one, not even the movie ‘Mars Attacks’.

You know how when you are sick or have high fever and your dumbass keeps saying incoherent shit when you are sleeping , I think this is exactly how night shyamalan came up with the concept for his latest train wreck. The trees are spraying neurotoxins in the air which makes us want to kill ourselves. There it is , that’s the plot. If I did ruin your chances of having the ‘almost zero’ thrill in the movie, well, you might as well read ahead.

The movie starts off with people turning into dumbasses at random and killing themselves( this is where I thought that I had made a wise decision to see the movie). Mark wahlberg , his wife in the movie( who only kept looking at her cellphone the whole time) and john leguizamo star in this movie.I use the word star loosely here. Oh ya,By the way john leguizamo is in the movie, who?? Exactly. But he dies half an hour into the movie(which was cool) like a dumbass, which barely required his acting skills. Anyways I thought till now this was a good plot, I mean , people dying randomly, john leguizamo gets killed, what more could I hope for. But then wahlberg,his wife and a kid start their run from death in a vague attempt to thicken the plot. On their way they meet a man who sports a ‘country bumpkin meets hippy’ look and he really likes hot dogs. He also knows quite a lot about plants for a man who sports that kind of funk. So now wind blows, trees flutter, some people die, mark wahlberg blames the trees and then they pick up their skirts and run. 2 kids get shot and then they meet this old hag in this barn, but then she dies, which was ok with me(believe me she deserved to die, she had issues). Then mark wahlberg gets separated from the wife and the kid in two different rooms which is connected by a tunnel which enables them to talk to each other. Then they talk about their first date and other mushy stuff, then something happens , everything is back to normal, the wife is pregnant but again the killing starts and the movie ends.

You know those couple of seconds after you get up in the morning when your mind is blank and numb and you can’t think straight and you end up scratching your butt , this is exactly how I felt after the movie. He even had the nerve to finish the movie with an ecological speech about how man is destroying everything and how this is a warning sign by the trees, oooh holyshit!, I am so fucking scared now, I bet I should go and water my money plant back home or it might get angry and spray me with that dumbass toxin. Stupid. Is it too much to ask for a movie to make sense sometimes. I think not.

An honest but pathetic attempt has also been made to cramp in some comedy(don’t know why). I think there were 2 instances but I don’t remember them as I was mentally numb by that point.

The only good pay offs in the movie was when that truck hits the tree and when that dude lies down infront of the grass shredder. That’s it. Only 30 seconds of fun and 90 minutes of coma inducing plot.

This made me wonder about the reason for Shyamalan’s endless line of movie screw ups from his shit factory. I mean, really what the hell is wrong with him,is he troubled? What’s with this infatuation of his about killing people, dead people, spookiness , aliens…., really , cut that shit out, its annoying. Either that or he is constantly surrounded by the dick-suckers who praise him blindly . I can just imagine how the conversation must have went before the making of this movie

Dick-sucker1: last night my wife repulsed me in bed again, so I went downstairs and watched the discovery channel , did you see that documentary about global warming and its effects on trees?

Dick-sucker2: No but I saw the one in which they talked about the effects of different neurotoxins on human body. buuurp…. I hate my life.

Night shyamalan: Wait a second ,what did you say, neurotoxins , trees, global warming…….hmm , heeeeeyyyy why don’t we make a movie about……………………

Dick-sucker1 and 2: oh! Brilliant sir! May we service your jewels now sir!!!?

Night shyamalan: [censored]

What night shyamalan really needs is a dropkick to his face or in other words my expertise, to get him back in touch with reality. I guess watching myself take a leak has far more thrills and a better plot than the movie ‘the happening’. Heed this warning, don’t see ‘the happening’ . I am bored writing this , I think I will go take a leak now.

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