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Wednesday, May 7, 2008


DEFINITION-A butler is a senior servant in a large household whose duties traditionally include taking care of any wishes of the family and the management of the other servants of the household.

MY INTERPRETATION-evil twisted asshole.

Man i hate butlers so very much.what is their job description anyway.They act like a family member around the house but still are doing all the useless shit work like bringing drinks and polishing things nobody gives a damn about.It's creepy man.
The word "butler" comes from the french word "bouteillier"which means a cup bearer.What the hell is this job suppose to mean.ooooh,step aside,i am a cup bearer.I personally think they have a hidden agenda and that they are all evil.
Now i know some people must be tryin to back them up by sayin cheesy lines such as"God serves man but he's not his servant,serving is the art of the supreme being himself".OHHH COME ON give me a break and cut the shit out,they are all evil and i know it.
One can always spot a spooky butler in some old mansion in england who answers the door with an expressionless face and has his chin up and looks down at you with contempt and talks in that high pitch accentuated irritating voice.Man this really pisses me off.What are you lookin at you worthless piece of shit wearing a penguin coat outfit and giving me the cold look.
I totally hated BATMAN'S butler Alfred in the movie.he just rubbed me the wrong way,always coming to the bat cave bringing tea and olive drinks and messing with batcave instruments.man!he should just die,he's not needed.I am sure whenever batman went out he secretly used to try on the extra bat costume infront of the mirror that sicko Alfred.
Even in novels i am sure all of you must have read atleast one book in which the climax of a murder mystery warms upto the sentence like "IT'S THE BUTLER!!!!!",and it turns out that all this while he was trying to kill his master so that he can inherit the property of his master he had so long desired.Why are butlers such assholes and why do people trust them.I HATE THEM.Even in the show 'the fresh prince of bel air' the butler always had that smug look on his face as if he knows something that we don't know and always trying to sound smart by saying some shitty one liner to which only he giggles to and then walks away.Man i hated him so much.

Listen all you butlers i don't care how qualified you are or how you passed out from a prestigious butler college you are not better than me and could never be, so just give me my drink and water the palnts and do some stupid ass shit like giving the cat a bath, serves you right you evil limpdick.
OH NO WAIT!! I have something even better for you.



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