WHO THE FUCK STILL USES HIM FOR SUCH SCENES????ANSWER ME DAMMIT!!! ,he might be a good actor but he sure as hell cannot pull of a sex scene,reason???,cos he is just too fuckin girly lookin.Come on you directors couldn't you atleast use a body double so that innocent people like me are not duped into believing something else.Dosn't matter what he does he stil comes out lookin like a nancy boy in his teens tryin to explore his sexuality by perverse methods.I am sure that we will find loads of panties n thongs n gowns in his dressing cabinet,most of which will be pink.I generally don't get pissed of with such steamy scenes when i see it in the theatre but if he is in it then i become extra cautious.Even during the movie Titanic when they where getting it on in the car i had a lot of trouble figurin out which one Kate Winslet was.So went back home and had a good bath to clean off the feeling of dirt and filth i had just seen.Its a must.
Seriously guys i strongly recommend him extradose high power testosterone shots every half an hour,that will atleast get him to a state somewhere between elton john ,an englishman and a regular heavy drinking,chainsaw loving man.
But for now i have taken the liberty to forward his name to the "international manliness detection comission"(founded in 1986) to get him judged for his manliness quotient.The RESULTS came back today.take a look.

1 comment:
HILARIOUS ..i must say..the climax was perfect..its amazing the way you put your point so beautifully through the pictoral images...so "mean machine" - waiting intently to know know your next target !!*BOOM*!!
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