Ok here's the deal,you can get yourself well educated here, if you happen to agree with me. If you have an opinion contrary to mine ,you can get bent and if you agree with me....oh what the hell,you can still get bent.
You can also look at badass pics I draw on paint like the one above. Don't dick around on this page if you are looking for something different,really.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


IF YES- then you just got conned.

The latest social networking forum to make it big is the “facebook”.I came to know about it by overhearing my facebooked friends talking about vampires,zombies,werewolfs,slayers,getting bitten and infected,so naturally,I wasn’t interested.Still I thought may be I should atleast check it out since there was an invite sitting in my email account for a long time,thus I joined facebook(big mistake).
Now I am not going to bore you with the lack of ethics of facebook regarding your personal information because I think everyone around knows that.Oh wait.I see the look on your face right now,k so I will tell you few of the things
  • You cannot download onto your pc a simple copy of your friend’s information cos facebook keeps it concealed with them.
  • You cannot take your address book to another networking site cos facebook doesn’t want you to give your network of friends to their competitors(for the slow,you are being treated like a hoar)
  • Any attempt to take your data out results in account deletion but all your info still remains with facebook(here you are being modestly spit upon) .
This is just to mention a few.oh wait. I see that you still don’t give a rat’s ass.When will all you retards understand that this is a major business propaganda just to tap into precious consumer preference data by holding your personal data hostage. But no,don’t disturb me as I am too busy poking,hugging,tickling,throwing a Justin timberlake (wtf!!) at someone.
All this ethics and propaganda aside facebook is still a pretty crappy networking forum.

Firstly,I personally cannot handle the news feed on my home page ,its so damn unnecessary and useless. I know you must be thinking but there is a news feed settings option which you can use.i know that. But according to me the very concept of letting me know that somebody just hugged someone or somebody just tickled someone is undeniable proof that people behind facebook think I am stupid . Then when somebody adds a mindnumbing application an invite is sent to you as notification for joining,and unfortunately you cannot check out the application because first you have to add the application and sometimes even compulsorily forward it to your friends,which is why you got the notification in the first place.

This pretty much feels like being a hoar to propaganda to me,oh but what do you care as you are very interested to know what the other person threw at you or which friends character he/she is. This renders you with the image of a young inquisitive horny teenage girl who always wants to have stupid pajama parties . And if you actually happen to be a young teenage girl reading this then there is probably a pajama party in town you are missing right now,so,go away.

The profile page sucks ass too since you can’t understand a damn thing that’s going on there. If you want to scrap(using this word as all you are orkut addicted) someone you have to headbutt your way through endless application bullshit on their page and then post something but will have to scroll back again a mile to press that ‘home’ button at the top of the page. Oh and by the way the place where you scrap is called a ‘wall’. Behold for I am the ‘wall’ and I am much more cooler than other words such as ‘comments’ or ‘posts’, I am totally cutting edge and totally out there,let us all open a can of root beer and celebrate this modern vague hip lingo,yo!.stupid.

This is what they think of you

The only thing stupider than the wall are the applications. Most of the applications insults your judgement as to what is right or wrong ,as the applications are totally meaningless and mostly gay. Who the hell in his sane mind would want to add ‘what kind of a flower you are?’ or ‘what colour is your heart?’ or ‘what ice cream flavour you are?’. People who add these are the same people who pick up the newspaper just to scurry to the last page to check their daily horoscope or the kind of people who keep on reading their age old cell phone messages again and again. Oh if only you could see the look on your face right now.pathetic.

But people will still argue and say hey,all this is just having some innocent fun.please. don’t give me shit,you are not innocent and you know that ,what you are is plain unadulterated stupid.I have heard naked tribals on national geographic making more sense than you while chanting their ritual songs. All these applications are like being facefucked with instant cockshit.

I did the mistake of joining facebook and even bigger mistake of adding some applications just for the sake of checking them out.Don't fall prey to this propaganda and stop adding stupid applications,better yet,don't join facebook.facebook blows.And if anyone doesn't follow my advice you will be given this complementary t-shirt for your ignorance.

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Eclipse said...

"The latest social networking forum to make it big is the “facebook”."
Incorrect. Facebook has been around for almost 4-5 years now.

"vampires,zombies,werewolfs,slayers,getting bitten and infected"
Are third part applications which people add to their profiles. So I don't think facebook is stupid. They are making money out of it. Although I must admit facebopok doesnt make for effective communication.

As far as privacy goes, there are privacy controls that people can set, which in my opinion is a perfectly good thing. There is an interesting article on internet privacy in the TOI yesterday. Moreover, with regard to the three points you have listed, I don't think you have tried any of those things for yourself.

BTW hoar-showing signs of ageing, to grey with age; frost (secondary meaning)
whore - prostitute.

" If you want to scrap(using this word as all you are orkut addicted)..." you mean "since I am orkut addicted."

I totally agree that most applications are crap and some are just well fun - although fun for you seems like writing an article with soo many inconsistencies and adding a fuck here and a shit there and trying to make sarcasm sound cool (bursting you bubble - having fun?)

And yes, I would like that T-Shirt please.


these aren't inconsistencies,n u are right that i haven't tried it out,but being aware of things matter too,so i did a background search about it.and that's y i said u'u got conned'
and the privacy i am talking about is not in between users, i meant the privacy u have with facebook itself.

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btw i already said in my blog i am aware of the news feed settings,plz read.brsting my bubble,making sarcasm look cool???? oh and ya i forgot thnx for the little spell check ,appreciate it.

Govind Chavan said...

It's not that I regret having a facebook account, but definitely its something that I don't use it at all now. And you are right about the applications, they are ridiculous. Now that even orkut has jumped onto the bandwagon of third party applications with XSS scripting, I don't visit other profiles at all. Noscript (an add-on I use with Firefox) blacklists these XSS scripts as they are potentially harmful.