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Monday, May 5, 2008

MERCY KILLING-shouldn't be an option for some

You know i have never understood the concept of mercy killing ever.I mean how can someone else decide to pull the plug on someone,even if he is brain damaged.i just don't get it.
But the more i listen to Condoleezza Rice speakin the more i understand what mercy killing supporters are tryin to say.Hey guys her name is too big ,so henceforth i shall refer to her as BITCH.All of you must have heard her recent deductions for the cause of world hunger.The bitch thinks we indians have become so well off that we are actually able to eat,and not just eat,eat so much that we are causing food prices to go up.
Just when i finished hearin this the vein in my forehead started throbbin like anything,and i totaly punched my maid in a flash of blinding anger(she didn't press charges,she is very understanding).I mean seriously guys how can we let her live like this,this bitch first of al has the IQ of a dinner plate and secondly looks like a chimp with a prostrate problem(ooooh am i being too racist,who cares!!!!).We should realy put her out of her misery.She has suffered enough,its time that we did her a favour by putting her to sleep.We should immediately send off a goup of our finest hunters and totaly drag her ass back from whichever jungle this chimp is living in.

I don't know what this ignorant american is yapping about.Does she even know that the finest of every food material be it rice,mangoes,apples...... get exported first to the u.s.a and we indians actualy consume whats leftover.But noooo this bitch has to yap about how she thinks we are devouring the whole planet like a pest.For that matter americans even consume much more than everyone else not only in the food department but also in other sectors too.I still see hungry indians everywhere and i dont see them go and snatch someone else's food.Who wil explain this bitch that telling people they eat more just shows how much her head is up her ass.Get it out bitch and look around,u will see what an ape you realy are.
By the way aren't we paying for food even if we are importin it or buyin it,how is that suppose to cause economic instability and world hunger.listen bitch,people starved 50 years before and they are stil starving, noone has got anything to do with it,it's just that the economy of these countries is not there at all and thanks to maggot country like yours nobody can emerge as a developing nation cos then you wud slap their faces with stupid allegations like world hunger,climatic changes,species getting extinct,rising cases of teen pregnancies in u.s...............And if this doesn't satisfy you you would make them sign your pussy nuclear treaty which basicaly says that america gets the right to piss on everyone else whenever it feels like.
I cant believe she was the national security advisor .I mean how did she even get the job,did someone loose a bet or something???or the pussys at the white house were playin their weekly game of "Truth or Dare" with her n they dared her to join the commity.this sucks.America can never prosper ethically if they keep spawning out dumbass obnoxious loudmouth overovulating sex deprived bitches like her.
So as a caring human being i feel i should also do my bit for ending world hunger and i would like to propose the first step we all need to take to even head in the right direction.



Eclipse said...

bloody awesome.. love the graphics..
and yeah.. BURP!!

asmita said...

okk first of all

satan shud take a chill pill
coz the next news will piss u off mre

it seems the crude oil prices are rising coz india and china are consuming mre o it